Where will this lead?

My husband and I went on a hike this week and there were two trails to choose from. I’ve hiked in the area but my husband has not, so I steered us to the right because I was a little more familiar with that trail. We began to climb up a gravel road around a mountain side. The views were amazing because we could see the surrounding area from above the trees.

After about 15 minutes my husband asked, “Is this trail going to be the same as we go around the corner of the mountain?” I told him yes and he replied, “Well, this is boring! Let’s take the trail down there.” He pointed to the other trail we could have taken at the very beginning. I laughed and actually agreed! We ultimately found a spot to head down and join up with the trail below. The foliage was so beautiful as we walked through meadows and narrow tunnels of trees. We were right in the colors instead of seeing them from above. I was glad we made the switch.

I find it interesting that we often go through life just living! We take a “trail” without asking ourselves, “Where will this lead? Is this what I want?”

For example, recently I felt very hurt by the way someone treated me. This individual passed judgment and spoke to me in a way that I believed was very insulting. Initially my thoughts about this person were not kind at all. For several days I focused on these negative thoughts and went down a path of bitterness, anger and resentment. 

Eventually I paused and asked myself, “If I continue to think about things in this way, where will this lead? Is this what I want?” I can definitely say no. It was only hurting and consuming me. I want to feel curious, patient and kind about this person and the situation. So the work began and will continue. I am beginning to blaze a new trail in that direction. 

Just like our hiking excursion, we can always choose something different. Doesn’t mean it’s always easy but we can pause at ANY moment in our life journey and course correct.

So pause once in a while and ask yourself, “Where will this lead? Is this what I want?” 

If you want to blaze a new trail but don’t know how then join my THOUGHT Works Course!


Just Do The Next Right Thing


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